Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Few Things I'm Thankful For 2010

Before I start thinking about resolutions I thought it might be nice to focus on the great things about this year and several highlights come to mind.   Here are some things I'm very thankful for:
Nonprofit friends from AVLF at our firm for a training session

•Work.  It's hard some days and hectic most of the time but the work I do has meaning and I'm so happy to work with absolutely the best of people.  It was a great year and I'm looking forward to another exciting year.
Colleagues at Starbucks celebrating our "No Department, Department Party"

My granddaughters got to go to school in Germany.  I'm sure their mom has missed them terribly (I know we have), but it was good of her to let the girls have 6 months with my son and to let them have that life experience.  I hope they can do it again next school year. 
 Speaking of Germany, this year brought lots of travel.  It was great to be able to visit the countries of Germany, France and Iceland.  It was also fun to be able to visit, and catch up with friends in the Hamptons, New York, Los Angeles and Dallas. 

Vatnajökull - the largest glacier in Iceland

I gained a penpal!  Blogging is great but it was so exciting earlier in the year when French Village Life launched a snail mail/letter writing experience.  I was paired up with the most wonderful penpal and blogger, Pondside. One of my goals for the coming year is for us to be able to meet up (fingers-crossed).   
  Have I mentioned the Atlanta bloggers?   There's a fun group of women (generally organized by Sue and Joyce) who gather throughout the year.  These gatherings are always memorable occasions and I treasure the time we spend together.  I hope we are able to do something REALLY BIG in 2011!

I finally joined a book club, The No Guilt Book Club, and it is amazing! Maybe I've mentioned it before but my book club has a mix of doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, a film maker, an environmentalist, nonprofit leaders - both local and internationally and a stay-at-home mom.  When I was approached about joining this group I was asked to write something about myself.  It seemed odd at the time and it made me quite nervous.  Now that I'm an official participant it makes sense.   This group leans to the left and seeks diversity in every way and I'm grateful to be a part of such a great group of women reader/leaders.  Oh, and can I mention Wine Club here too?   An equally eclectic group of friends, all with whom I enjoy spending time.  
Monthly meetings with Marta.  Back in the 90's I worked with a dear friend and we were so close at the time.  Over the years, life and changes have gotten in the way but in 2010 Marta and I were able to re-connect and decided that we would enjoy meeting for lunch or dinner once a month.  It's been so nice to have a special once-a-month meeting sharing discussions on religion, books, movies and travel.   You'll be learning more about Marta and her studies in the coming year and it's very fascinating I assure you, especially for the FOODIES! 

Love my family.  We're always going in different directions, both mentally and physically, but I think that's one of the things I love and appreciate most about my family.  Though it isn't always easy, we work to accept one another as we are.  
Yes, here I am.  Lost in Grand Central Station and my son is photographing me the whole time!  See me standing by the ticket window.
 • I'm so grateful for good friends - Caitlin, Cappy, Aggie, Judy, Heidi, Ginabeth, Fran, Alice, Mary, Missy, Chris, Melanie, Marta and Stacey.  I've been so blessed to have such good friends throughout my lifetime.  You mean so much to me and this year was especially great because I was able to spend time with most of you in person!!!!

Big hug to all!
  This post wouldn't be complete if I failed to mention blog friends in general.  There are several of you that read my posts, leaving comments and sending emails.  Your blog friendship means so much.  Thank you Penny, Sarah, Pondside, Patti, Pat, Kathleen, Janean, Linda, Debbie, Marie Arden, Jojo (yes, there are two of us), Jane K. Schott, Chatty Crone, Cheri, Keetha, A Taste of Beirut, Frenchy, Vagabond, Rettabug, Joyce, Sue, Susan, Eva Agnes, Phivos, From A Writer's Kitchen, Angie, Jade, Jenny, Teresa at Splendid Sass, Laura and Pamela Terry and Edward.   Oh there are lots of other blogs I read and will often leave comments but you guys are the blog friends who stop in at my place and frequently leave a comment.  Sorry if I overlooked anyone but please accept my heartfelt thank you for being a very special part of my day. 

It's time to start working on some resolutions but for today it's nice to spend time thinking about the good things of 2010.  

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