Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Most Christmasy Place in the World

This was my second trip to New York during the holiday season and personally I believe New York knows how to celebrate Christmas like no other place in the world.   While I was waiting in line at Radio City Music Hall to see the Rockettes, I overheard a grandmother sharing a story that I have to share.  She was saying that even if you've been to see the Rockettes you still want to see the show again.  She explained that she'd seen the show 20 years ago and though she lives on social security, she's been saving for several years so that she could bring her two granddaughters to see the show.  I almost cried just hearing her share her story.  Bless her heart, she was wearing a jacket that was thin and worn.  I couldn't help but think of what she had sacrificed for those girls and I have to agree.  Now I'm dreaming of taking my granddaughters.  What a wonderful show. 

So here are some pictures that highlight some of our experiences. 

I'm headed to Montreal tomorrow and looking forward to seeing snow!  

 Hope you are enjoying all the joys the season brings. 

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