Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Macarons and Good Times at Viking Cooking School

This past weekend was dedicated to baking and what a wonderful baker's weekend it was! 

Saturday morning kicked off with a class at Viking Cooking School.  It was my first class there and I can assure you it won't be my last.  I ended up in a group of four fun macaron-making wanabees.  It just so happened that one of our group members had just completed culinary school but was taking the class to perfect his macaron.    Rolf is a personal chef.   I'm not sure what all that entails but I would like to have one!

Having a chef in our group was a great excuse to let Rolf take the lead on preparations and he was great in explaining what he was doing.  It was like getting bonus instruction because our teacher was great.  

As you can see she was very "hands on" and oh so animated.  I enjoyed her enthusiasm. 

We mixed, 

and whipped,
and piped,

and waited for "legs" to appear. 
They did!!!
Adding filling was the easy part and Mary Ella and Christi went right to work filling our orange macarons with an incredible orange marmalade butter cream filling flavored with Triple Sec!!!  Wish I could share one with each of you but trust me, these delicious, delicate crisp bites just melt in your mouth.  Yum.

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