Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Serendipitous Moment With Blogger Bronnie Masefau

A copy of Bronnie's new Idea Book!!!  You can't imagine how surprised and excited I was to go to my mailbox and find a package from Australia!!  Bronnie sent me a copy of one of her books!   I'm so excited and what a lovely gesture.  Just in case you stop by and read my blog - THANK YOU!!!


There is so much to show and tell about our visit to New York and one of the highlights of the weekend was meeting a blogger.  It was a honestly a serendipitous moment!  I love the movie Serendipity so I thought on this trip to New York it would be fun to go to Serendipity to try the famous frozen hot chocolate.   The place was packed but luckily I had made a reservation so we were seated as soon as we arrived.  Moments later two women were seated at the table next to us and it wasn't long before we struck up conversation with them.   As we began chatting I learned that I was speaking to blogger Bronnie Masefau, the Australian author, who was traveling with her mom.  We had a great time visiting with them and Bronnie's mom shared with me that Bronnie is known as the Martha Stewart of Australia and has just published her second book, The Ideas Book.

Hope you enjoy the photos from the restaurant.

Bronnie, her mom and me.
Just like in the movie.
Such a cute menu.  
Take a look at the Serendipity website to see the fare.

I loved all the decorations
and the architecture.  But the piece de resistance . . .

Yes, these are very

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