Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holt-Howard - My Family Didn't Own the Company But...

My maiden name is Holt so somehow I've always believed the Holt-Howard Christmas collectibles had to be a part of our Christmas decorations.  Over the years I've collected quite a few pieces such as the winking Santa mugs,
 these precious angel candle holders
and this adorable Noel featuring Santa Claus.
But my favorite of all are the holly pattern pieces that I've collected over the years.  
Truthfully, these pieces are so much fun to collect and they're affordable too.  

I just hit my 300 post and to celebrate this happy occasion, I will be giving away a dvd copy of a wonderful Christmas movie, Joyeux Noel.   Read more about the film by clicking here. 

Be sure to leave a comment by December 18th if you want to be entered in the giveaway.   Hope you'll spread the word.

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