Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions, Positive Thoughts, Goals and Words

Today I've spent some time trying to decide how to approach this new year.  Should I make a single goal or resolve to change just one thing?  Perhaps I could work on a number of things in my life?  Maybe add a few positive thoughts to my calendar or do as I've seen others do, just select a few key words to help me navigate myself down a more positive path.  
Starting the new year gives me a blank calendar with plenty of days ahead to accomplish whatever goals I make for myself so I'd prefer to list a number of things I hope to achieve in the coming year.  So here are a few things I plan to do.  
 Drink more water enjoy more weekends go to the beach ●do more leisure reading ● visit with friends and family
● sit outside under a starry sky ● be more active
 ● make more memories ● travel ● de-clutter ● stay balanced ● set boundaries ● have more belly laughs ● find more opportunities to perform random acts of kindness ● learn new things ● have more adventures
  ● jump in a mud puddle ● cry tears of joy ● listen to more music, and lots, lots more.   I'm looking forward to doing everything on my list and more in 2011.

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