Sunday, January 9, 2011

Waiting for the Snow but Fearing the Ice

It's snowing!!!!
Yes, a winter storm is headed to Georgia so yesterday everyone I know got out to buy groceries and other creature comforts. Down south we don't handle wintry weather too well. If there is a hint of snow, and especially ice, in our weather forecast, schools are apt to close and work places generally delay openings.  It's such a treat! We are really hoping the predicted ice doesn't leave us without power but just in case I've got a couple of new books by my side and I'm ready do a little unexpected relaxing tomorrow.  Maybe a pajama day?
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we wake up to a beautiful snowy day. 
It's been snowing for nearly 2 hours. We've got nearly 2 inches and look how light it is outside.

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