Saturday, August 31, 2013

Frost and Fire

I'm a Viking.  My family name is Holt and while I've not done detailed research to dig deep into my family tree, I know I'm a Viking. 

In the early 90's, Iceland was added to my travel wish list and the reason might have had something to do with my Viking roots calling.  At any rate, I was thrilled when we were actually able to visit Iceland and spend a number of days exploring an incredibly beautiful and quiet place.

I have about 20 best favorite places or memories specific to our travels in Iceland but one place that stands out in my memory was a hotel stay that combined nature, art and hospitality (we also stayed at the base of a volcano and on a farm but I'll save those stories for another time).  Hveragerði is a small town located about 30 minutes from Reykjavik.

Frost and Fire gives guests the opportunity to enjoy their own "hot pot" and the chance to get to know an Icelandic artist.  Each room is named in honor of an artist and the room is furnished with his or her artwork.  Guest are invited to relax and enjoy an evening of soaking in their own "hot pot" with healing warm waters provided by nature.  In fact when you drive up to this hotel it's quite a sight to see the hot springs bubbling up all around the hotel grounds.  

Our room featured the works of Karl Kvaran.

Every room has a beautiful view of the river.

Our room's jacuzzi or "hot pot."  We spent the evening soaking under the stars.

Not only will guests enjoy dining with pottery made by local artist   Margrét Jónsdóttir, the breakfast area is filled with sculpture and paintings by Icelandic artists including The Last Supper by Jóhanna Kristín Yngvadótti. 

If you enjoy traveling and beautiful photography, stop by and visit Noel's blog at Travel Photo Discovery.   I'm joining him for Travel Photo Mondays.

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