Sunday, August 4, 2013

Top 5 Reasons I'm Cravin' Haven

Wow!  I just got home from the Haven Conference and I'm still trying to take it all in!   
Cravin' Haven

 What a great conference and I met so many people whom I'm sure that you know and enjoy like Beckie from Roadkill Rescue and Knockoff Decor and I can't say enough great things about the Shanty Sisters from Shanty2Chic!  They are p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s!!!  And Stacy from Not Just a Housewife is the sweetest blogger evah!
Cravin' Haven

 Truthfully it would be impossible to name some of the more well-known bloggers who spoke and attended the Haven Conference but you can look them up here.

Okay, so besides just recognizing famous bloggers, there were plenty of reasons why I'm still "Cravin' Haven" so here are my top 5.

- It's exciting!  There's so much excitement in every session, during the breaks when you visit with vendors, and after hours when new blogger friends and old, casually visit, dine, shop and more! 
Cravin' Haven

- It's inspirational!  After reading Lean In, it was inspiring to be in a room with 300+ entrepreneurs who are running virtual businesses while they work on renovation projects, arts & crafts, cooking and more while raising their family.  It was especially inspiring to meet blog partner husbands.
Cravin' Haven
- It's educational!  I learned so much and will be going over all of my notes shortly.  If I don't review them and catalog them for reference, I'm bound to lose them....yes, sometimes that happens to me (I really needed to have taken the organization session while at the Haven Conference).
Cravin' Haven
- It's a giveaway!  Wow, there were so many vendors who gave away AMAZING prizes.  I fell in love with Ryobi Power Tools and though I did not win one of their prizes, I did get to try out a number of their tools and absolutely loved them.  I have the feeling Home Depot and Ryobi are soon to be my new best friends.
Cravin' Haven

I'm also going to be following up with GMC.  GMC and Habitat had us all crying with their joint project with bloggers who are furnishing a Habitat home for one unsuspecting (and LUCKY) new homeowner!  

 My first purchase will be from Duluth Trading Company and I can promise you I will be blogging about it when I get my first purchase.  For now I'll be wearing my beautiful new hendley shirt, a gift from DTC.
Cravin' Haven
- It's FUN!!!  Going to the conference alone I was a bit worried that I wouldn't find my spot but with that many bloggers in the room I should have known there were be plenty of friends in the room like A Pop of Pretty.  I've been following her for a while and it was so exciting to meet her...all the way from Newfoundland!!!  Next year seems so far away but we've already made lots of plans for when she and her sister come back to Atlanta. Can't wait!

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