Saturday, August 31, 2013

Yum Bunz is YUMMY!

Recently I received an invitation to visit Yum Bunz for an enjoyable evening with dinner for me and a guest.   So I quickly responded to the invitation and excitedly emailed my husband.  Yay!  A date!
I'd never heard of Yum Bunz but after doing a little bit of googling I found out that it's a new restaurant and the owners founded and developed The Real Chow Baby.  Love that place.  It's also over on the west side in Atlanta.  So many interesting places are popping up and Yum Bunz is one of them.  
It's educational  - learn Chinese!
The food concept is simple, "dim sum fast" and fast it is. And also extremely good. 
Love this fixture!
We got to the location, found our parking (free parking and easy - yay again!) and walked into a beautiful contemporary space with a discreet Asian flare to it.  The place did look a bit like a fast food restaurant but truthfully I had no expectations that evening.  For us it was just a fun evening out. 

Stepping up to the register I was overwhelmed with trying to pick something from the menu board and there was a line behind us so the girl at the register said she would surprise us and that is exactly what she did. 
The server first brought us an incredible mango margarita.  We've had very little summer weather in Atlanta this year (odd, right?) but suddenly it has gotten really hot so the frozen treat was a great way to cool down and start the evening feast.  

Next came the dim sum - two kinds of bao and a variety of sides including one incredible eggplant delicacy that I simply can't quit thinking about!!!  
It's hard not to talk about the paintings on the wall and I must confess that at first glance the paintings looked like wallpaper.  They just seemed to professionally perfect to be paintings, but they are. 

While our dinner was complimentary, I saw the prices on the big board and Yum Bunz is extremely affordable high quality food.  
If you live in the Atlanta area, or if you visit Atlanta, you will want to give Yum Bunz a try.  It's good food fast, affordable and healthy food too.  Read up on their website.  It's not just the ingredients, it's the preparation process too.  Hope I see you there!

I'm linking up with The Tablescaper so head over there to see what's happening on Seasonal Sunday.

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