Saturday, August 10, 2013

"You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone"

Yep, my granddaughter was right. I’m missing her terribly now that she’s gone. 

Both granddaughters at the ticket counter the day of departure
In fact my heart aches a bit right now as we just came home from the airport after having the time of my life this summer with my granddaughter.
Isn’t it funny how songs, lyrics and music in general can mark memories?  This song and the cup game will definitely be remembered every time I hear “The Cup Song,”and it is one of many songs that will remind me of the incredible summer of 2013.

Crazy hat moments!
Our summer started out with a family wedding in Greece.  I haven’t had a chance to blog about the trip but it truly was incredible.  (Note to self ... blog about Mykonos).  

There were certain songs we heard constantly while in Mykonos celebrating the marriage of my brother-in-law. 
Here is one of my favorite clips from the wedding night.  My granddaughters couldn’t stop dancing.  In fact we all danced until 1:00 in the morning.  

 It was so much fun in such an incredibly beautiful place and it was an event our entire family will never forget. I mean seriously - how many people get to celebrate a marriage in Mykonos?  

You have to watch this video.  The song and memories stay in my head after watching I only wish I had a fraction of my granddaughters' energy!  Blurred Lines, Radioactive and Get Lucky are songs the girls call the wedding songs. Our hotel played music all around the social areas at our resort in Greece at all hours of the day and night so these songs became our wedding theme songs. (BTW, I haven't known popular tunes in years!!!)
We returned home only to have my granddaughters fly to the U.S. for the summer and my oldest granddaughter decided to stay with us rather than traveling around the south visiting relatives.  Her sister took a road trip and while I'm sad we didn't all spend time together, it gave me so much one-on-one time with my oldest granddaughter.

Krispy Kreme, A Classic Atlanta Moment
For the past month we've spent time with our granddaughter enjoying shopping, girl talk, slumber parties, dozens of rounds of Sorry and Yahtzee, sewing, craft projects, cooking and spa days.  During this time our granddaughter shared information about songs, dances, apps and trends I knew nothing about.  She also listened to stories about how things were when her Daddy was growing up. It was so amazing and wonderful to have so much time to spend with her and it makes me happy to know that I realized the moments were precious and few. Being able to recognize how tremendously special it was to have a granddaughter who actually wanted to be with us, helped me let go of all of the worries of the house and errands and the endless list of tasks in order to stop and enjoy her visit.

Seeing all of these photos as I put together this post made it hard not to get a bit weepy and yet my heart is full just thinking back over the summer and the rainy days that kept us indoors and the many hours we spent just being together. 
Today when we got home from the airport I looked around the house and remnants of the summer are everywhere – our bean art project, homemade glitter body splash, numerous art projects and so many other items that wouldn’t fit in her suitcase.
I never had a close relationship with a grandmother but I hope the things we did together and the memories we shared will stay with her for a lifetime. 
My granddaughter practiced singing and “playing” the cups every day so the cup song will be our theme song for this summer.  She was so right, we really do miss her when she’s gone.

Thank you my dear sweet and beautiful granddaughter.  This was truly one of the best summers of my life and it was all because of you. It meant the world to have you with us and I hope this summer was the first of many wonderful summers to follow.

I'm linking up with The Tablescaper to share what I've been doing this summer.

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