Monday, September 2, 2013

New Blog! Daydreamer's Cottage

Finally after a year of daydreaming about it, I did it!  I set up a new blog!!!   After attending Haven Conference I was inspired to get things in motion and I finally got the new site up and running!!! 

I'm still learning how to edit and post but I'm really proud that I own my new url - and I'm now on WordPress. 

Besides meeting some amazing women, the speakers and attendees at Haven Conference inspired me and taught me a lot about blogging (pathetic isn't it?  I started my current blog in 2007)!!  Truthfully, I didn't know what I didn't know.  

Anywhoo, come on over and visit me on the new site.  I'll still post on Jojo's Joys because I'm sentimental that way but I'm really excited about making some dreams come true on my new blog. 

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