Sunday, May 20, 2012

Polka Magazine - I Want a New Camera

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of attending a lecture given on the topic of photojournalism presented by Dimitri Beck, editor-in-chief at Polka Magazine.
 Polka Magazine is a Paris-based photojournalism magazine.  
During the course of the lecture I began to feel a bit guilty just thinking about how quickly and easily I flip through magazines, particularly news magazines, without giving much thought to the talented person behind the camera lens.   
Dimitri shared a number of photo spreads that have been published recently, going into detail about the photojournalist, how they went about taking their photos and more specifically in some cases, how they pitched their stories to the magazine.
I wasn't in a hurry to buy a camera but after attending this week's lecture I can't stop thinking about getting a new camera.   My camera died about four weeks ago while we were on a weekend excursion.  I rushed to buy an inexpensive camera for the weekend and thought it would be fine for the time being.   Then a couple of weeks ago, Paris Breakfasts 
emailed me about something and offered some great suggestions on getting another camera (now when other bloggers start commenting on how to improve your know you need some help).   I'm still trying to figure out what would work best for me but no doubt, I've got to get a new camera. 

Does anyone have any comments, suggestions, pros or cons to help me in making a decision?

Today I'm joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.  Hope you will stop by and see what other bloggers are up to.

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