Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mama Said....

This Susan Branch print hangs in my bathroom so I read it every morning when I get ready for the day
At one time or another I'm sure all of us have reoccurring thoughts about things we heard our mothers say growing up.  I've got a list of sayings, superstitious thoughts or words of wisdom that I heard growing up but there is one that is always on my mind in the month of May.  

Growing up my mom said her dad (my grandpa) always told her "if it rains on your head in May, you won't have a headache for the rest of the year."   
Me and my grandpa - 1974
 Oddly, making sure to play in the rain has always been a serious objective for me.  Yes, even as an adult I love going outside in the rain in May with no umbrella.  

Are you still listening to mama's words from the past and doing things because "mama said?"

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