Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let's Dish for Mother-in-Laws

An engagement photo
 I never met my mother-in-law but thanks to her sister, in some ways I know her.   Unfortunately she died while trying to give birth to a baby girl when my husband was not yet 3 years old so he can't remember her.  Early in our marriage on my first trip to Beirut, my mother-in-law's sister spent some very special time with me, telling me about Selma and sharing some items from her trousseau (I have several beautiful handmade linens and lingerie).   Her family also gave me her china and my father-in-law paid more than what the dishes were worth to package them up and ship them to me.  
Set with the demitasse instead of the tea cup
 Though this tablescape may lack the artistry and beauty of many bloggers table settings, it makes up for it with love - lot's of it.
 There are many things I 
cannot tell you about my my husband's mother, Selma but I love her lemonade set.  I can just imagine her girlfriends gathering for tea and the trays and tables being set with beautiful hand-embroidered pink doilies and napkins.  
Had the Noritake dishes she used been sold in the U.S. at the time they were made, the set would have been marked Made in Occupied Japan but because they were purchased in Lebanon, this was not required.    There are 24 place settings and the set has all sorts of serving pieces such as this domed dish with a porcelain strainer that my husband calls the olive dish. 

 We have finger bowls too.  I'm not sure that I would know exactly how to use them but I love them simply because they connect me to my husband's family. 
Today I'm linking up with Cuisine Kathleen to enjoy the Let's Dish for Mother's Day.   Hope your Mother's Day is full of happiness and wonderful memories.  

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