Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mama Said....

This Susan Branch print hangs in my bathroom so I read it every morning when I get ready for the day
At one time or another I'm sure all of us have reoccurring thoughts about things we heard our mothers say growing up.  I've got a list of sayings, superstitious thoughts or words of wisdom that I heard growing up but there is one that is always on my mind in the month of May.  

Growing up my mom said her dad (my grandpa) always told her "if it rains on your head in May, you won't have a headache for the rest of the year."   
Me and my grandpa - 1974
 Oddly, making sure to play in the rain has always been a serious objective for me.  Yes, even as an adult I love going outside in the rain in May with no umbrella.  

Are you still listening to mama's words from the past and doing things because "mama said?"

Monday, May 28, 2012

Let me be your fantasy

The last couple of weeks have been really happy ones in the entwined history of me and the Boy - and perhaps this is why I haven't blogged much in the past fortnight. For some reason it always seems easier for me to document my angst that to keep a log of my happiness.

Since our last scan, the pregnancy has been very different for me. It's like something has clicked inside my head and I (finally!) believe that I am pregnant and that we can be lucky this time. I believe that at last - I came off the pill in September 2010 - we will be the family that we so much want to be. And I feel the biggest sense of happiness and a huge rush of love for that gorgeous baby of mine as the movements inside I can feel become stronger, and the kicks and nudges I get during the day and night grow in force and frequency and take me by surprise. When the Boy can feel these movements too, it is just the best experience ever. I can really understand what a special time this is for expectant parents. Every day seems to bring new affirmation of the life beginning that we have made together - and that really takes my breath away.

I've even begun to buy things for the baby now - something I hadn't let myself do until after the scan, too terrified that if I did somehow I would jinx everything and bring bad fortune upon us. We have a nice selection of new and preloved clothes for our little one, and we've eeked out bargains with a sling, a baby seat and a gorgeous vibrating rocking chair. The baby may not even like that last one, but I love it - it brought me tears of joy when the Boy came back from collecting it and carefully assembled it for our child.

You know, I don't even care if we end up using the things we have picked up so far much. For me, it's so important to believe that things can have a happy ending for us, and just looking at and touching these items melts my heart. I'm so pleased and relieved that I have been able to find happiness in this pregnancy and that it has come early enough for me to enjoy this time. I want to be able to look back at this time and remember it as being important and exciting - and our baby deserves that because it is every bit as valued and as treasured as the two that we have lost.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Poems the Earth Writes

Last week it caught my eye when Lorrie at Fabric Paper Thread asked the question What Kind of Tree Would You Be?  I remember thinking hard about this when I was in seventh grade and on a church retreat.   Each of us were given 30 minutes to go to a quiet place to think about the tree that might best represent our spiritual life.  It was a memorable exercise for me and one that I continue to think about from time-to-time.  
 This time of year it's hard not to think about trees.  Each spring when driving around Atlanta I think about the beautiful dogwoods and how they add a lace-like quality to our landscape.  We've even got a festival named to celebrate the dogwood season.  And just after the dogwoods lose their blossoms two beautiful trees make their entrances.  
  I think of the magnolia tree as a "hat lady."   An old-fashioned classic that reminds me so much of the older women in my past - perfectly appointed, delicately scented, perfectly coiffed with a dainty ivory hat.   Yes, the magnolia grandiflora enters the season with noticeable beauty.  This stately tree is one of my favorites.  
 Another tree that I love this time of year is the graceful mimosa tree.  It's so beautiful to see pink dotting the spring scenery.   Sadly this tree is hated by many being labeled invasive by lots of gardeners.   Growing up we had a mimosa tree and I loved the delicate fern-like leaves and those beautiful cotton candy puffs of pink.  Even more wonderful is the fragrance of this beautiful umbrella tree. 
   Hydrangeas are blooming like crazy and believe me, I'm enjoying my fair share of these magnificent showy blooms but as I'm enjoying incredible spring days and the beautiful flowers, I'm taking a little quiet time to enjoy the trees.  
I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,        
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain. 
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
                                                                                  - Joyce Kilmer
This week I'll be joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Polka Magazine - I Want a New Camera

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of attending a lecture given on the topic of photojournalism presented by Dimitri Beck, editor-in-chief at Polka Magazine.
 Polka Magazine is a Paris-based photojournalism magazine.  
During the course of the lecture I began to feel a bit guilty just thinking about how quickly and easily I flip through magazines, particularly news magazines, without giving much thought to the talented person behind the camera lens.   
Dimitri shared a number of photo spreads that have been published recently, going into detail about the photojournalist, how they went about taking their photos and more specifically in some cases, how they pitched their stories to the magazine.
I wasn't in a hurry to buy a camera but after attending this week's lecture I can't stop thinking about getting a new camera.   My camera died about four weeks ago while we were on a weekend excursion.  I rushed to buy an inexpensive camera for the weekend and thought it would be fine for the time being.   Then a couple of weeks ago, Paris Breakfasts 
emailed me about something and offered some great suggestions on getting another camera (now when other bloggers start commenting on how to improve your know you need some help).   I'm still trying to figure out what would work best for me but no doubt, I've got to get a new camera. 

Does anyone have any comments, suggestions, pros or cons to help me in making a decision?

Today I'm joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.  Hope you will stop by and see what other bloggers are up to.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Delta Airlines and Atlanta's New International Terminal

Today was a big day for my neighborhood and for the city of Atlanta.   Our airport, Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, opened a new international terminal. 

Our neighborhood is just around the corner from the airport (I know.  It sounds noisy but I promise you, it's not) and we love being near the airport.  My oldest son and DIL are both air traffic controllers so I'm always excited to see the ATC tower. 
 Delta Airlines headquarters is less than a mile from my house so of course we love Delta for all the great things they do for our city and our community. 

My husband and I decided to drive over and see how things look on opening day.   Our family loves to travel and we've had plenty of discussion trying to figure out who'll get to fly out first.  Looks like my oldest son wins.  He flies in from Germany in just a few weeks.  Yay!!  Now I'm wondering which one of us will be next.  
Where are you going this summer?

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's a wonderful world

It's not often I talk about my football allegiance on this blog but I hope you'll forgive me if I make an exception today.

For the last 25 years I have been an increasingly passionate supporter of Manchester City football club - our family club on my Dad's side and one he has followed for more than half a century.

In my lifetime, City have been something of a comedy club. Most football fans have been fond of City - in the way one is of a slightly doddery old aunt, or a rather unhinged neighbour who has a tendency for self-embarrassment. City have been a funny, unthreatening club who always produced the unexpected and could go from a glorious league win to being kicked out of a cup competition by Brighton or Doncaster in the first round. When I was at university City were relegated two seasons in a row - we only got promoted back into the old first division by scoring two goals in injury time to equalise against a rather poor Gillingham side back in 1999 and push the game to penalties. And I will never forget a crucial cup game against Sheffield United where the wonderful Joe Hart mistook a balloon on the pitch for the ball - the opposition capitalised and scored, sending City crashing out. That is kind of 'the City way'.

It's well-celebrated that City have had a tendency to blow their chances and shoot themselves in the foot. The easy way is not for City - or their fans - and we have had tremendous highs and lows through the last few decades... consistent only in our inconsistency.

However, one thing has remained constant - that we have lived in the shadow of the far more successful and glorious Manchester United. Affectionately known as 'Manure' by City fans, with Old Trafford - the so-called theatre of dreams - nicknamed 'the swamp'.

In the last couple of seasons, this has begun to change. Now the plaything of a bunch of wealthy Arabs who seem to have a bottomless purse with open strings, City have bought in a huge amount of quality footballers - many on very inflated salaries - and the tide has begun to turn. It culminated last season with a victory over Stoke City in the final of the FA Cup - and this season we've watched one of the most exciting title races in years.

Yesterday was crunch day - City and United shoulder to shoulder at the top of the Premier League equal on points, separated only by City's superior goal difference thanks to a cracking start to the season when we were winning matches 4-0 or more on a regular basis. City chasing their first title in 44 years (they last won when What A Wonderful World was number one in the charts and my Dad was a student at York University!). The nerves started to creep in as I made my way to a local pub with the Boy, my Dad and my Mum to take in what lay ahead.

I won't go into detail now about how all the matches progressed - but suffice to say in the last few minutes it seemed the prize has slipped through City's fingers. Trailing to and unable to break down a 10-man QPR side it seemed once again it would be the red half of Manchester celebrating and revelling in glory. And then the unthinkable happened. A few minutes into injury time City pulled back an equaliser - and then just a couple of minutes later time stopped, and City's player of the season Sergio Aguero found the back of the net with a stunning strike.

And City hearts in Manchester and around the world melted - finally our time had come and the joy and relief of the players and fans was palpable. I have never seen my Dad look quite like that, and I must confess to shedding a tear or two.

When you've supported a team that have broken your heart so many times, and led you more merry dances than you care to remember, a taste of success is even more sweet - the novelty somehow greater and more meaningful. I spent my teens and twenties unable to imagine this day ever coming - winning the league in my lifetime seemed, well, a lifetime away. And to win it this year, so that Baby Beans will arrive with City as Premier League champions, really is the best feeling in the world.

It's a pretty nice view from up here on Cloud 9 - I don't plan on coming down any time soon! (although I do not recommend watching too many games like this when you are pregnant...!).

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Help With a Wiki Project - Antiquing

Do you love antiquing, or a have a favorite place to shop for vintage items or antiques?   Then join me in helping with a wiki project. is compiling a list of shopping and market places for every city and I've been asked to help spread the word.   If you live in the metro Atlanta area please check this list to be sure that your favorite shop or market is here. 
Please let me know if you have suggestions or places to add.
 Thanks in advance for you help.  

Mother's Day, A Winner and Macon, Georgia

Congratulations to Ann of Moonbeams & Fireflies!  
 You were the 19th person to leave a comment and your number was selected by my friend the Random Number Generator.  
 You are the lucky winner of the beautiful candle from Cartini!!   I'll be contacting you by email so that I can send you your beautiful candle gift.  

Growing up did you have a powder puff and bath powder set?   In my younger days I would often get a nice bath set for my birthday and I loved them.   The last dusting powder set I received was probably 15 years ago and today my husband surprised me with a Shelley Kyle powder puff set from Cartini Home.   This set is gorgeous and for all those Frenchies out there, this is a must have.  Such a thoughtful and beautiful gift from my Hossy.
 And speaking of old-fashioned, yesterday my husband treated me to a day of reminiscing poking around Macon, Georgia.   I love the beautiful city of Macon and while it is not my hometown, I grew up nearby and spent a lot of time there in my youth.   It's hard to decide between Macon and Savannah when trying to choose Georgia's most beautiful city but there is no doubt both cities are worth seeing.  
Both cities have beautiful handmade brick streets in some of the historic areas.   

In some areas of the downtown there are a number of hilltops and I recall growing up there was an old law still on the books that made it illegal to curse on a certain street on Sunday.  Apparently those trying to get their horse and buggies up the hill to get to church were creating a bad atmosphere for worshippers.
Saint Joseph's Catholic Church - from Wikipedia
 So here is a sampling of scenes from yesterday's drive.

My doctor's office growing up.  I hated the shots but love the doctor and his office.

The Hay House

If you are ever passing through Georgia, be sure to plan some time to stop in Macon.
Today I'm linking up with The Tablescaper to celebrate her 100th post!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let's Dish for Mother-in-Laws

An engagement photo
 I never met my mother-in-law but thanks to her sister, in some ways I know her.   Unfortunately she died while trying to give birth to a baby girl when my husband was not yet 3 years old so he can't remember her.  Early in our marriage on my first trip to Beirut, my mother-in-law's sister spent some very special time with me, telling me about Selma and sharing some items from her trousseau (I have several beautiful handmade linens and lingerie).   Her family also gave me her china and my father-in-law paid more than what the dishes were worth to package them up and ship them to me.  
Set with the demitasse instead of the tea cup
 Though this tablescape may lack the artistry and beauty of many bloggers table settings, it makes up for it with love - lot's of it.
 There are many things I 
cannot tell you about my my husband's mother, Selma but I love her lemonade set.  I can just imagine her girlfriends gathering for tea and the trays and tables being set with beautiful hand-embroidered pink doilies and napkins.  
Had the Noritake dishes she used been sold in the U.S. at the time they were made, the set would have been marked Made in Occupied Japan but because they were purchased in Lebanon, this was not required.    There are 24 place settings and the set has all sorts of serving pieces such as this domed dish with a porcelain strainer that my husband calls the olive dish. 

 We have finger bowls too.  I'm not sure that I would know exactly how to use them but I love them simply because they connect me to my husband's family. 
Today I'm linking up with Cuisine Kathleen to enjoy the Let's Dish for Mother's Day.   Hope your Mother's Day is full of happiness and wonderful memories.  

As good as it gets!

So - today I am a very happy Elly Beans! We had our anomaly scan at St Thomas's Hospital this morning to check that the baby is developing as it should be. I have been trying to be brave over the last few days (who am I kidding, weeks!) but I have not been able to shake an anxiety that something might be wrong with our baby. However today I was happy to be disproved - all is well and good and we have every reason to anticipate that we will be a little family in September!

I got off to sleep fairly well last night after a good first session at an antenatal yoga class in Wilds Rents, near where I live. I found the class really relaxing and the Boy commented that I was the most laid back he had seen me in a long time when I arrived home. But that didn't last through the night and I was awake at 3.30am this morning mulling over the day that lay ahead.

I felt physically sick when we entered the hospital - as lovely as all the staff have been, the hospital holds such sad memories for me that I don't feel entirely comfortable with being there. I hope this will pass in time - but we will see, and this was my last scheduled appointment there so I may be spared having to walk through its doors again. My heart was pounding as my name was called and I was so frightened about what lay ahead I had to cover my eyes with my hands when the (very understanding) sonographer began the scan. She was very sweet though, and pointed out the heartbeat straight away, and gave me lots of reassurance as she went through the checks and measurements.

Baby was much more relaxed than Mum, thankfully - it was lying across my stomach with one arm tucked under its head having a small snooze! Thank goodness one of us was chilled out. We weren't able to get all the measurements straight away so I had to go for a walk and drink some cold water, and then luckily baby decided to stop playing hide and seek and turned around for us to finish all the checks - and the great news was that everything was completely NORMAL!

Normal... something I rather snobbishly hate to be. But for today, well - I have never been so happy to be average, normal, boring and bog standard. When you've been on the other side, there is something very welcoming about the mundane.

We were also able to discover the sex of the baby which was very emotional for the Boy and I. For now we've decided to keep it to ourselves - this pregnancy is amazing but has been a roller coaster for me, and it feels right to hold something back just for us. We'll see if we manage it for the remaining four months though - we both have rather large mouths, shall we say! But here's a little pic of baby for you to enjoy - check the button nose! I love this baby so much already I can't imagine what it will be like when it actually arrives - as now I finally believe it will!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cartini Home and a Giveaway!

Today there were several other things to I was planning to post about but on my drive home I happened to pass by a new shop near my house so I changed my mind and decided to post about the shop.  (Don't you just love those colorful dot wall vases pictured above?)

Getting a new store in the area where I live is a really big deal.  Our neighborhood has several unique restaurants (other than franchises) but we don't have shops.  The best we have nearby is Scott Antique Market but it's only once a month so you can imagine my excitement today when I discovered Cartini Home!
The store is loaded with soaps, candles, handmade vintage jewelry, kitchen items, cool items, nostalgic items, garden goods, gifts and even candies from the 60's.   Carter and Jim are the shopkeepers and my husband and I had a great time talking with them and hearing about some of the local items they sell. 
The store is in an old auto repair shop and it's been transformed into a great space.  As we were headed out the door Carter and Jim gave  me a beautiful Himalayan Trading Post candle (which is made right here in metro Atlanta) for me to giveaway on my blog.   So, I will be giving away the lovely candle pictured below on Mother's Day.   Please leave a comment so that your name will be entered to win. 
Don't you love the candle container?  I brought home several other items that I couldn't resist.
Also, for those of you living in the Atlanta area, I'm thinking of holding a bloggers event on the south side later this summer and including Cartini Home in the outing.  Email me if you are interested in attending and I'll let you know when I get the event organized.  

Today I'm linking up with The Tablescaper to celebrate Seasonal Sunday.  Hope you will stop by and see what other bloggers are up to.