Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rain, Coffee and Friends

Last night the storms kept me up so I was tempted to sleep in this morning, watch movies and read.   Instead we got up and drove about 40 miles, through the rain to have coffee with our friends Judy and Jeff.  Judy and Jeff were our neighbors for eighteen years. 
Party time in '98
During those years we raised our children, decorated our homes, held yard sales, gardened, dreamed, did lots of laughing and crying together, but most of all had lots of coffee talk. 
Starbucks - yay!
   In 2005 we both sold our homes with Judy moving further south and us heading north.  It was a sad day for us both.  I  could not have dreamed up better a better neighbor and friend.  I treasure those years.
Moving day 2005
  Today would have been a perfect day to sleep in and read but instead I enjoyed something even better - coffee with Judy.
 I'm linking up with The Tablescaper
celebrating Seasonal Sunday.


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