Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fruition String Band Comes To Town!

 If you've read my blog for any length of time you know that my daughter Mimi is a musician and how lucky we are that her band, Fruition String Band took a break and a detour through Atlanta while on tour.   Maybe it was the luck of the Irish, but we were even more lucky that they held a private concert last night.  
So many old and new friends came out to enjoy the concert and it was beautiful to watch the sunset with the Atlanta skyline in the background.
Such beautiful sights and sounds.  Wonderful memories by the fire.   My heart is full.
Fruition will be in town another day before heading back to New Orleans to continue their tour but for now, we are enjoying our Fruition friends and family.

Today I'm linking up with The Tablescaper to celebrate Seasonal Sundays.  I hope you will stop by to see what other bloggers are up to this season.

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