Sunday, March 25, 2012

Atlanta's 31st Annual Heart Ball

Over the past year I've spent a lot of time focused on fundraising and friendraising for the American Heart Association. It all started with one of our employees came to me asking if we could hold a GO RED FOR WOMEN campaign, explaining that heart disease runs in her family.   This employee has lost family members to heart disease and she works hard to maintain her heart every day.   So the year long fundraising began.  We sold carnations, held an oatmeal bar, casual days and a karaoke night and we raised some money.
I blogged about Atlanta's Go Red For Women luncheon last June.  You can read about it here.  I'm still amazed that I got seated up close and personal with Star Jones!
Last night was the biggie, the Heart Ball, a black-tie affair.   As I was planning ahead for this event I was feeling some of the pain that some of the blogging "mothers-of the-bride" have been blogging about.  Pondside and Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti have both posted about this recently.  Let me tell you that it is not easy to find a dress that is figure flattering while being age appropriate without breaking the bank.   I felt I came out lucky after 3 weeks of shopping, finally finding my gown at Macy's for $80!!!  My girlfriend ended up paying nearly $800 at Saks. 
 I wish I had more pictures but when you carry a small evening bag, there is no place to store your camera.  
We had a great time but given the prices of the items up for auction, I made sure to keep my paddle on the table! 
The auction might have been for a great cause but those auction items were expensive!

My son was having a fit that we were able to spend time with the Atlanta Falcon's head coach, Mike Smith.  
So now it's time to put away the gown and all the glittery accessories but for an evening it was fun playing dress up.

Today I'm linking up with The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday. 

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