Sunday, September 25, 2011

Habitat, the Day After the Build - It Hurts So Good!

Is that possible?   The past few weeks have been insanely busy full of some great activities and events.  One of the fun things I've been working on is a Habitat house.  Have you ever worked on one?   
I believe this is the seventh house I've worked on and I would be telling a tall tale if I said I loved it.  I love the outcome but some weeks it's really hard to get motivated, depending on the tasks that need to be done.  Have you ever installed insulation?  
This week was week number 5 and we worked on trimming and caulking.  This is one of the weeks I would call a fun week.  On Habitat days we work from 7:30 - 4:00 (I have to get there a bit early to make sure we have coffee).   Yesterday was a great day but this morning I was so sore!   I really need to exercise more.  Thinking about exercising more made me think of my high school PE teacher Mrs. Lunsford and the crazy record we used to have to exercise to each day in preparation for the President's Physical Fitness exam.  Do you remember it?  

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