Saturday, September 10, 2011

Read My Pins or "Brooching a Subject"

 This week my husband and I had the please of being able to hear a presentation by former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright.  
Her pin collection is now on display at the Carter Center in Atlanta and she came to talk about her book, Read My Pins: Stories From a Diplomat's Jewel Box.  
 We arrived about an hour and a half before the presentation and it's a good thing we did because there was standing room only in the auditorium.  There were 50 or so people who didn't get in.  
 It was interesting hearing how the former Secretary of State used her pins as symbolic expressions that conveyed thoughts and reactions in diplomatic circumstances.  She explained that President Bush often said "Read my lips," so she began telling the the press, "Read my pins."   
I haven't actually seen pin collection which is currently on display at the Carter Center and includes 200 or so pins information about when they were worn and why.  I find it fascinating that these pieces of jewelry are so tied to American history.
My husband and I were eager to see Madeleine Albright for reasons other than hearing about the pin collection.  You see, my mother-in-law looks like Madeleine Albright.  
  We made sure to buy a book for my mother-in-law and I know she's going to enjoy it.  

The pins will be on display in Atlanta until November 27.

Today I'm linking up with The Tablescaper and others to enjoy Seasonal Sundays.

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