Have you seen the movie? It was filmed in Cornwall? Just in case you want a taste of Cornwall, you might like watching Ladies in Lavender, or perhaps you saw the Shell Seekers or read the book. It also takes place in Cornwall. In high school I loved reading Victoria Holt books (my maiden name is Holt so I was certain it was written by one of my relatives!). I was totally captivated by Bride of Pendorric and the mystique of the tide and fog in Cornwall. Equally interesting and worth contemplating has always been the Merry Maidens and don't forget the pasty!
My dad's family came to the U.S. from the U.K. and after a brief stay in Boston his great, great, great, great, grandfather settled in York, Maine where he married and started his family. As he grew older he eventually returned to Land's End, Cornwall and remained until his death. His children grew up and one of his children's, children, eventually settled in Tennessee and this is the beginning of my family as I know it.
Still, Cornwall will always be a place where I feel strong connection.
It reminds me of the riddle we had to memorize in third grade...As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. . . .
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