Sunday, May 9, 2010

Big Surprise on Mother's Day

For those of you reading in the U.S., I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I'm blessed that my kids do a really great job in making me feel special year-round.

Unexpectedly, I had a big Mother's Day surprise.  If you have read my blog over the past couple of years you may recall that my husband and I sponsored a young girl from Liberia who is seeking asylum in the U.S.  She has no living relatives and when she was first released from detention (if you arrive in the U.S. with documents that are out of order, you sit in jail), she came to live with us.  Prior to coming to America, she had been living in a refugee camp for several years, then housed in jail here in the U.S. for 4 1/2 months prior to being released into our custody.  She is now trying make a life in California.

Today just before lunch a delivery man arrived with a package for "mom."  It was two dozen roses from my Liberian daughter.
Then a short while later my Liberian daughter called to say she was on her way to visit.  Yes, she is here in Atlanta for a visit!!!  It was such a wonderful surprise to see that she is doing well, happy and finishing school.

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