Sunday, February 24, 2013

What Are Your Favorite Souvenirs? (And a Contest)

My family will all be quick to tell you that I'm weird and frankly when one of my kids has said that I'm weird, my response has always been, "thank you. I take that as a compliment." 

This weekend started out so rainy and miserable and all I could do is think about being somewhere sunny and beachy which started me thinking about travel. 

What do you like to do when you travel?   Like most people I like seeing the top-rated "things to see" but I also enjoy visiting grocery stores (depending on what country I'm in) and stopping in the local music shop.  It's fun to be able to enjoy foods and music from other places long after I'm back home. 

One of my other things to do is to bring home bits of nature.  I've got shells, rocks, salt and pine cones from several countries and yesterday I pulled many of the items out to decorate with them. 

What are your favorite souvenirs?

And speaking of travel.  Did you see this contest?

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