Saturday, March 2, 2013

Waffle Palace

Have you ever been to the Waffle House?  They’re so common in the south and in my neighborhood that I can easily walk to four locations from my house. Waffle House is a place that began in the metro Atlanta area so most of us in the south have grown up going to WH as children, college kids, after parties and for breakfast “anytime”.  For my family WH is an important part of our Christmas Eve tradition. When my kids were small and I knew there was no way we could get them to bed we would pile in the car and head for Waffle House for a breakfast in the middle of the night.  To this day we always go to WH on Christmas Eve.  My son enjoys giving our server a huge tip each year as we leave and we enjoy sitting in the car and watching as the table gets bused to see the reaction of the recipient.

So, if you aren’t familiar with Waffle House, you probably can’t imagine why this topic is post-worthy. But let me tell you, interesting things can happen at Waffle House. Seriously! If you enjoy people watching, you will love the Waffle House experience and obviously Larry Larson felt the same way when he wrote the play, Waffle Palace.

A few weeks ago my son and I finally got to see Waffle Palace and I was so glad we did.   It’s a wonderful play that highlights a place where all kinds of people gather and a diner, along with its management is trying to keep up with the changes of development. The play itself is amazing because 7 performers play the parts of 21 characters and several characters are nothing short of hilarious. It runs through March 17th so there’s still time to see it if you live in the Atlanta area.
 P.S. The waffle doughnuts on sale at intermission are worth a try!!!

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