Monday, February 4, 2013

Atlanta Bloggers Celebrate Valentine's Day

Atlanta blogger Joyce hosted the nicest Valentine’s Day lunch for a group of fun Atlanta bloggers and I had to share a few photos.
We were asked not to bring food but instead we were asked to bring items such as toiletries, diapers, etc., for a local women and children’s shelter.  Isn’t that a great thing to do?   A heartfelt gesture was perfect way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. 
 Joyce had done a beautiful job decorating the table and we were all amazed when she told us the beverage glasses were from the Dollar Store!   Aren’t they cute!!!
Valentine decorations were everywhere….even in the bathroom!
The lunch was amazing.  The chicken pot pie was perfect for a cold and overcast winter day and the salad was incredible but the people were the best! Rose, Linda, Sue, Joyce, Sandie, Cheri....I loved the conversation and the laughter!  
Sue of Rue Mouffetard made some delicious popovers and oh my, the Linzer cookies! I loved the cookies!!!
I’m not too big on Valentine’s Day but it would be hard not to get into the spirit after visiting Joyce’s house.  Don't you love the sweet dessert plates with dogwoods?  And see the boxes on the table?  Joyce made the bigger box and Rose brought treats in the smaller box.   I haven't opened mine yet.  Should I wait until Valentine's Day?
Sue, let me know when you get your pictures posted so I can link up my post.  Your photos always put mine to shame so I appreciate your artist's eye!

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