Monday, April 30, 2012

Vern Yip, UNICEF and The Experience

Last night I had the pleasure of attending one of the most exciting fundraising events for one of my favorite charities, UNICEF.  
 As I child I remember going trick or treat with my UNICEF box and since that time UNICEF has been a part of my life.  
In Atlanta UNICEF offers lectures throughout the year, providing updates on their work and areas of focus but last night I had the "Experience."   Below are a few photos and experiences.   

As guests arrived we were given a card with our "child" and their personal story.   My child's name is Joy and she's from the Philippines.   Her home was washed away in a tropical storm that washed away hundreds of homes in her community.  Joy is still with me.   
 As the evening began the first thing guests were asked to do was to pick up and carry a 5 gallon container of water to see what life is like for those without water resources.  They must carry what they need and most of the time the distance from the water source is great.  Lucky for me I just had to walk down a long hallway rather than a long distance.
It was interesting to see how much water we use for simple tasks.   Having spent time in Lebanon during the war I know what it is like to have limited water though I'm guilty of taking a hot shower for granted (25 gallons of water to take a shower).
Throughout the banquet hall there were stations sharing facts about health, nutrition, education and disaster relief.   At each station were UNICEF volunteers providing details about UNICEF's work and how we could help.  

Guests were given cards with prices of each item and details on how each purchase meet needs. 
  I bought a desk for classroom.   One of the things that I learned during my experience is that after a disaster a classroom helps restore a feeling of community and normalcy, even when housing is still lacking.  
UNICEF brings communities together through schools. 
It was so precious that children attended the event, and yes, a few celebrities too, like Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Vern Yip.   Rebecca Gupta chaired the event and Vern is a UNICEF Ambassador.
It was an evening of immersion in the lifesaving work of UNICEF. 

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