Saturday, June 11, 2011

Home Alone

No, not the  I'm home alone.  My husband, oldest son and the grandgirls are in Destin, Florida enjoying a beach vacation.  My middle child is celebrating the last moments of his friend's bachelorhood in Atlantic City.  My daughter is packing for Telluride, and me, well right now I'm at work.  I'll be putting in a long day today but when it's over, I'm headed home to heaven! 

Last December for two weeks before Christmas I was home alone and oh how I loved the solitude and freedom!   I loved having time to watch movies, and truthfully, if I could, I would watch movies every day (and night).  My favorites are old classics, foreign films, romantic comedies, dramas and movies that have been filmed on beautiful locations.  I just love being able to enjoy the scenery when I can't travel.  
Last night I watched My House in Umbria.

In every scene that showed one of those candlelit dinners under the wisteria, I was thinking how I might recreate such an affair for some family and friends later in the summer.  Oh what fun that would be!  
Of course I woke up after watching the filming wishing I had time to take a magical vacation this year.  I would love to be able to take a relaxing two week trip to Lebanon to visit family and spend some time in charming villages like Jbeil.  Isn't it beautiful?   If you have time, click on the city name and read a bit about the amazing history of this beautiful seaside village.  And the lovely cobblestone streets lined with shops makes this one of my favorite places in all of Lebanon. 
Do you still daydream?  I'm hoping to enjoy some movies tonight and do a little daydreaming.  Oh how I love summer.

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