Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Crazy Week!

This week was ridiculously busy at work and looking back I'm not sure how I squeezed in some of the extra-curricular activities but somehow I managed.    

First there was Rhondi's Porch Party.  I stayed up very late a couple of nights to be able to visit some of the beautiful porches.  Hope you had a chance to visit some of the participating blogs. 
 An event I had been looking forward to was the Go Red For Women Luncheon and it was one of the highlights of my week.   Star Jones was the keynote speaker.  I don't watch much tv so her name was not familiar to me but wow what a speaker!   Macy's is a national sponsor of Go Red For Women, so it's not surprising that their table was right up front and center,  just feet away from Star Jones.  What is surprising is that somehow I was seated at the Macy's table!    Honestly, you've never seen so many beautiful red dresses in one room!!   If you live in Atlanta and you haven't been to the St. Regis, it's a must see.
 I was so glad I made it to book club.  This month we read The Poisonwood Bible and I was dying to talk about it.   

Then there was the premature handing over the Presidency of an organization because the current President is moving!!  I wasn't quite ready for that but with that being said, of course we had a small going away gathering for my good friend.  
This week was neighborhood clean up and you know how I love my neighborhood so of course my husband and I got out early to do our part.  
My dear neighbor of 18 years and close friend is expecting her first grandchild (that makes me a grandneighbor) so there was a baby shower for Elly. 
Judy with her mom & sisters
There was so much pink in the house.  Guess you can tell that Judy is just a wee bit excited. 
Then we rushed off to hear a band.   Now usually my evenings are quiet ones but not last night.   My daughter's good friend had an album release party so we were happy to go for the celebration performances.   I fell in love with this group. 
So much so that I took my picture with the violinist after his performance. 

Today was another work day but I'm headed home now in hopes of having a much calmer week.

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