Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Break?

 After getting home from work late last night and heading back to work this morning at 7:15, I've decided - SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE.  My musician daughter is on a multi-state tour, currently performing in Colorado and will soon be headed to Beirut for a music festival. She called over the weekend, totally happy with life, just trying to take in the beauty of the countryside.  My sons are having the time of their lives visiting the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany and Italy for spring break.  My youngest son posted on Facebook that he's going to need a vacation to recover from his vacation.  We've enjoyed laughing at some of their crazy escapades - especially the one where they lost their car! 
Update - DIL just posted on Facebook:
Citizens in Rome were protesting something and Zein (my son) jumped in with them and started yelling "No more lasagna! No more lasagna!" Lol best brother in law ever!
I spent last week in a sun-deprived hotel attending a seminar only to come home to rainy, windy, gray days.  Where is spring?  I'm trying to be patient but I'm ready for warm, beautiful days - a real spring break.   Calgon....take me away!!! 

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