Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Live in Your Bedroom

One of the grands bedroom
 When I saw today's wikiHow I was so excited to see the topic on how to live in your bedroom.  As I clicked on the link I was a bit disappointed to learn that the focus of the story was directed more towards the college student trying to "do more with less" though as I read the article it took me back to the memory of my days in my very first apartment.  
Photo courtesy of Hooked On Houses
 My first real job was a teaching position and I made $7,000 a year.  It's not much money now and it wasn't very much then either.  When I started looking for a place to live I had to find something that was within my budget so you can imagine how excited I was to find an efficiency apartment for just $155 a month!  Even better was that the apartment was just 8 miles from the high school where I taught -  not too close, but not too far.  My efficiency was great too, minus the harvest gold shag carpet.  It was a one bedroom efficiency with a half wall divider that separated the living room/kitchen from the bedroom.  Being able to move into that tiny little apartment was my Mary Tyler Moore moment and though I had no sofa, my table, chairs and shelving were perfect.   
Thirty-three years later, my bedroom is my favorite room in our house.  Not because of the decor (though I do love my bed), but more because it's my quiet corner of the world where I can cocoon in my little haven.  I guess I should also mention that a feng shui expert took one look at my bedroom and told me to start over because it looked like a granny room.  

A few weeks after we moved in this house my dad died.  It was a very sad time for me.  We were in a new house with neighbors we didn't know and it was Thanksgiving weekend.  I felt so alone but somehow my bedroom was a comforting space and I learned then that having this very safe place can help restore me. I also learned to treasure having a quiet and private space.
I've always been amazed at Louis XIV's bedchamber and how the room was used for ceremonies and royal business.  Can you imagine hosting public events in such a private place? 

As the weekend comes to an end I'm so happy to have had some quiet time in my treasured space.  Hope you had some of the same.  

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