Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why Iceland?

Over and over I've been asked, why Iceland?  Was it the dramatic and ever-changing landscape?  

Or the countryside?

Perhaps it was unique art or architecture.

Or maybe it was a trusting culture.  A place where children wait outside while mom is shopping. 

But it could have been the food (remind me to tell you what this dish is called.  Clue - in Icelandic it means "confusion in the mouth.")

Or, maybe the healthy "hot pots" filled with warmth and minerals.

Maybe it was a week of no phone, very limited electronics and limited conversation.  Just lots of beauty, peace and quiet. 

I was inspired by Chef Marian from the Victory Garden from an episode that aired more than ten years ago and I'm so glad we visited this incredible country.
If I had to say why we visited Iceland, I would have to say "all of the above."

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