Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Viking Cooking School - At Work???

I have a great workplace, really. We work hard but we do some amazing and fun things too.  For instance, last week's Chili Cook-off.  Twelve competitors were vying for the top spot - The Chef''s Choice Award.  The chef making the choice just happened to be one of the chefs from the Viking Cooking School.  Not only was Chef Shea selecting the prize winning chili, he gave cooking classes during the lunch hour! BTW-the most popular chili just happened to be Shrimp Chili.  People went crazy over it!  Unfortunately, none of the competitors wanted to share their recipies.
 The first class was a session on knives and the second class was on making a simple fall dessert.  
After the session I got on the VCS website to look at the fall schedule and found a class on making Macarons and Whoopie Pies. 
 I'm all signed up and ready for class!

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