Saturday, October 9, 2010

Always Distracted by the Mosaics

Last weekend I'd planned a very quiet weekend at home mainly as a time to catch up after a hectic work week. Instead on Friday night I attended a girls soiree at the Alliance Francaise d'Atlanta that was so much fun. There were numerous vendors participating with presentations on perfume, the white shirt, make up and lots of other finery, the best were the makeovers.  Truly it was more excitement than I normally experience on a Friday night.   Very fun and I met someone who wants to have a "create your own fragrance" party with me!  
While still planning to enjoy a quiet stay at home weekend, my good friend called and coaxed me to go to the Greek Festival.  When we arrived they were starting a lecture and tour of the Orthodox church and once I saw the mosaics, the food, music, dance and vendors all went out the window.  

When viewing the sanctuary, it's hard to appreciate the greatness of these works of art until you get up close to see all the tiny tiles that create the final masterpieces.  

 The sanctuary walls and ceiling dome were filled with religious art. 

 It was interesting that all of the gold tiles are glass that were dipped in gold so when the sun shines in the windows the mosaics glisten. 

I finally pulled myself away from the art but don't think I got away without enjoying koulurakia, kourambiethes and more!!!

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