Friday, August 20, 2010

New York. I Wasn't On Vacation But . . .

I must admit it worked out perfectly to have to be in New York for business on a Monday.  It's miraculous almost the way the schedule worked.  It left me with an opportunity for a weekend of opportunities and experiences that I couldn't have imagined.

One of my dearest friends from college days, truthfully a soul sister, lives just outside of NYC.  She's an incredibly talented textile designer who went to school in Georgia - first Berry College, then UGA.  My friend is an amazing person who knows how to experience life with feeling and more significantly, with an "eye that sees."   I can't do her justice by trying to describe her joie de vivre and the way she focuses on experiencing life but I can tell you about some of the amazing things we managed to pack into two short days thanks to Aggie.

Have you been to the New York Botanical Garden? 

It was my first time to visit and I loved it.  Martha Stewart is there!   Well, sort of.  Martha Stewart has designed an historical herb garden.  Guests at the garden can take a quick trolley tour of the entire garden or use the trolley to visit some of the many "gardens" within the garden. 

Outside the Conservatory, the planters were filled with eggplant, corn, peppers and lots of other edibles. 

There were several things I enjoyed about the purple and white garden.

Like thistle.

And Peter Rabbit was there too.

We left the gardens and headed to a nearby neighborhood fish market to pick up some fresh fish for dinner.  Was I surprised when I discovered that "fresh" was "fresh from Italy." 

How would you like some fresh mozzarella?  It's made fresh dailyIn case your wondering, yes, we bought some - yum!

I spotted something I'd never seen, or tasted before - rice balls.  Have you had them?  The are incredible!  These would make a perfect lunch for me everyday.  

UPDATE!  Patti at Bramasole....Yearn for the Sun posted the recipe for rice balls!  Click on the link above.

We planned to stop for some coffee but then I spotted a bakery lined with cases of pastries like this.  I'm not making this up - there must have been more than 100 different sweets to choose from!!!

And then I saw the gelato.  It too is made at the bakery.

Needless to say, I opted for a little more than some coffee.  

I also found it charming that almost every store or restaurant had a sign up that read something like this.  
Can't wait to tell you about our next stop!

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