Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've Got a Pen Pal!

When is that last time that you wrote a letter?   On National Letter Day, ElizabethHD at French Village Life, posted the idea of writing letters to other bloggers.  Bravely she allowed readers of her blog the opportunity to sign up if we were interested.  Then she paired us off and I was so lucky to have been paired with Pondside.

When I was younger my pen pals were usually my cousins.  I really enjoyed writing Karen, in Noblesville, Indiana and Brenda in St. Paul but now I'm more likely to Skype than even send emails these days.  It was somewhat relaxing to find a quiet time to sit down and write a letter.  And now I'm anxiously checking my mailbox every day, waiting for an envelope!

Can't wait to share a bit more info about my new pen pal!!!  

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