Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I saw them last night for the first time this year - the fireflies.  Since I was young I've been fascinated by these tiny sparkling lights that magically appeared in the summer.   I grew up in what some people refer to as south Georgia (meaning anything south of Atlanta) but actually my hometown is located in middle Georgia and sadly we never had fireflies.   Each summer our family would rent a cabin for two weeks in a small community outside of Asheville, NC and it was there I discovered the fireflies.

Our cabin was a small stone structure with a front porch, an apple tree in the front yard and a gladiola field behind it.  Can you imagine waking up and seeing a field of gladiolas framed by mountains all around?  It was an idyllic setting.  We normally stayed during the first two weeks of July so the gladiolas were just beginning to open and the apples had formed on the tree.  Unfortunately the apples were a bit to sour to eat raw, but were perfect when baked with sugar and cinnamon so we had them for breakfast every day.

The cabin had no tv so we did lots of hiking, playing in streams and exploring in the area.  On our hikes it was so beautiful seeing the mountain laurel in bloom.  I can still remember the woodsy smells of nature.  

We also enjoyed a big trip into Asheville to enjoy the Craft Fair at the civic center.  It was always the highlight of the trip to watch furniture makers, blacksmiths, fiddle players, quilters, potters, etc., showcase their wares and put on demonstrations. 

Then at night we would sit outside and listen to nature's summer symphony and watch the light show as the fireflies circled around us.  It was perfect.

Life is a bit more stressful now and two week vacations don't come often, but I delight in being able to spend the evening on my front porch, watching the fireflies.

I hope that wherever you live, you have fireflies too.

P.S.  Just noticed that someone from Wewahitcka was visiting my blog page.  My mom's from Port St. Joe!  I love blogging!  It's like going places without ever leaving your chair!!!

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