Monday, April 12, 2010

Rococo in Wurzburg

I'm a big fan of rococo style though I realize that it's not for everyone. Keeping in mind that fires during WWII destroyed Wurzburg, these wonderful structures were all rebuilt to showcase architectural artistry.
Doesn't it look like icing on a cake?

Okay, I confess. In our old house I used caulk to try to create designs on my walls. My scrolls were lovely but somehow it was odd to see scrollwork on the walls of a 70s built, split-level "working on a groovy thing" home!

Be sure to click to enlarge the photos to enjoy the details.

Just after I took these pictures a docent came after me. We missed the English tour so I didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to be taking photos in the Residenz.

But don't worry, I will be back with LOTS more pictures of the most amazing example of rococo style that you have ever seen!

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