Monday, February 15, 2010

President Jimmy Carter Speaks at Paideia

UPDATE - So we went to hear President Carter speak on the topic of diversity and education and there were several things that struck me. First, his speech was delivered with a wonderful style. Rather than a lecture, he told four stories asking the audience to weave the stories together to draw their own conclusion as to how the stories illustrated diversity in education. It was an interesting approach to a lecture - simple storytelling. Another observation was his relationship with Rosalyn. He was talking to the audience but throughout the presentation he would address his wife. It was lovely and at moments, even with an auditorium full of people, he would speak to her. My favorite thing about his presentation was - when it ended, it was over! There was no lingering, closing remarks or reaction to the standing ovation which he received. Instead, President Carter said goodnight and he and Rosalyn headed out. In the end I came to the conclusion that when the time comes that we stop noting and focusing on differences in people, then, perhaps we have achieved diversity.

Charlotte is a wonderful city and it was such a good feeling to hear noises from construction in the downtown. With the economic downturn, those sounds aren't so frequent anymore. It was also great to see a city with a bustling downtown.

We are going to hear President Carter tonight and I am so excited about it! I'm leaving tomorrow a.m. early for a couple of days in Charlotte so I might not have time to post about his lecture, etc., before leaving town but I will be sure to post something later in the week. We are so lucky to have gotten tickets to this lecture and I'm so thankful. More to come later in the week.

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