Monday, February 8, 2010

Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

This weekend our grandgirls were here with us and we were busy doing all sorts of things including some climbing at Atlanta Rocks and watching some movies. One of the things that I thought might be especially fun was to make some valentine placemats. I wasn't sure if the girls had ever sewn but I thought they would be able to sew placemats fairly easily and figured that if they didn't get them finished that I could easily finish them in time for them to take them home on Sunday.I had picked out a really cute fabric and bought several different ribbons and trims so that they could add a little extra something to their placemat.
The girls loved sewing on the machine and when I realized just how much they liked sewing, I got out the needle and thread so they could do some hand-sewing. The craft project was a big hit!!It makes me so happy to know that this week they are going to celebrate the week with their own special hand-made valentine. Now they are already asking what they can make the next time they come to visit.

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