Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Playing Mr. Right

My niece is a finalist in a student ambassador program sponsored by the Japan America Society of Georgia. It is truly an exciting opportunity and we are waiting to hear this week if she will be one of the four students selected to represent Georgia on a trip to Japan this summer. The Japan America Society pays all expenses for the students on this two-week trip.

The final interviews were over the weekend and I was lucky enough to tag along to observe. A part of the interview process were group games, and one of the games was Mr. Right. I'm forever looking for icebreakers type activities and this one was so much fun to watch. In the attached video the kids are untying the human knot. Unfortunately I was laughing too much at watching the confusion playing "Mr. Right" so I failed to tape it. Thought you might enjoy watching the kids try to untangle. You also might enjoy playing Mr. Right!

To play the game, participants need to be standing in a circle. Each participant needs to have one small object in their hand. The leader then reads the passage below in italics. Each time the players hears the word "left" they pass the object to the left and each time they hear "right" they pass to the object to the right. It is that easy - or not.

This is the story of the Right family. Last night the Right family went to see a baseball game between the Boston Red Sox and the Minnesota Twins. They left the house at 6:00, right after the family finished dinner. Mr. Right drove everyone to the game in the red family van, which is always parked on the left side of the garage. In the van were Mrs. Right Bobbie Right, Katie Right and Joey Right. As they drove down the street, Mrs. Right waved to Lisa, their neighbor, who lives two houses down on the left. She was watering her garden on yhe right side of her house. As the right family approached Fenway Park, Mr. Right exclaimed, "I can't remember where I left the tickets!" Joey Right said, " Dad, I saw you put them in your right-hand pocket." Mr. Right checked but they were not there. Katie said, "No Dad, that isn't right. You left the tickets with me for safe keeping. I have them right here in my purse." What a relief," said Mr. Right as he turned left into the stadium parking lot. Joey almost left his baseball glove in the van, but right when Mr. Right was about to lock the doors , he remember he had left it under his seat. The Right family had to wait in line a bit, but finally made it to their seats in left field. As they sad down, Mr. Right looked to his left at the whole Right family and smiled. He had made the right decision in getting tickets for the game.

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