Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Powder Post Beetles - Eeeeuuuwww

Not that you can see it but there is a tiny hole located diagonally between the two knots

I think I have a case of the powder post beetles! I have this lovely (okay, I think it's lovely) piece of antique Danish farm furniture in my dining room and in the last few months I've noticed a little sawdust gathering on a glass shelf we installed. It should have had wooden shelf but my husband creatively installed a light in the center and replaced the wood shelf with glass to help light that section of the cabinet. At first we thought it was dust from where the light was hung but I washed everything down and the sawdust came back.
To me a beautiful piece - with bugs!

What do I do? I've been online and one of the schools of entomology recommended treating with
Tim-Bor. Has anyone tried any other successful treatments?When I bought the piece I loved the markings in the legs (above) and some spots looked as if bugs had been there decades ago - but I don't I want to keep bugs in the furniture!!!! Help! How do these bugs find furniture to munch on?

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