Friday, January 8, 2010

Curb Appeal: The Block

Do you watch the show? I have to admit for a while I stopped watching HGTV. There were so many shows that simply didn't appeal to me. Recently I watched an episode of Curb Appeal: The Block and was surprised when I realized the street getting the makeover was 5 minutes from my house. The crew did an amazing job on the episode I watched and I was impressed by the contractor on the show, Chip Wade.

Chip & team pictured with Oprah

After watching the show I decided to email Chip to ask about an architectural challenge we have. Our front steps are way too steep and I was curious what kind of response my inquiry would trigger, if any. Amazingly, early the next morning my phone rang and it was Chip. He set up an appointment to come by the next morning to take a look at the problem.

Front of the house with steep entrance

Chip arrived early with coffee in hand, first examining the exterior of the house and then sitting down to sketch. Very quickly we had a rendering with construction details, phases of work, and suggested materials. As he began to explain some of the things we could do to address the issue, he also made suggestions based on our budget.

Before the appointment had ended, he consulted on several other projects/challenges that we have been wanting to think through, making all sorts of suggestions. I confessed to him that weren't high-end clients so to help us be able to work within our budget, he even made suggestions for builder/contractors we might enjoy working with (and ones we could afford). All-in-all I was most impressed with Chip and his work and I was so glad that I sent the email. No doubt I am going to be the number one fan of Curb Appeal: The Block!

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