Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Visiting a Villa

On Sunday I volunteered for a charity event that was hosted by someone that lives in a home with a name. It may be commonplace in Europe for even small cottages to have a name and in fact, my husband and I stayed with friends in their tiny cottage called White Horse Cottage but it just isn't common to know many homes in my area with a name. Growing up in middle Georgia most of the surrounding farms had names (my favorite was One Horse Farm owned by the Crenshaws) but as far as I know the only names were applied to our subdivisions and streets.
The name of the home where the event was held was Villa di Luci. I should have done a bit of research about the homeowner before the day of the event because it might have helped me better understand and prepare for some of the peculiarities of the volunteer experience. It was quite interesting to assist with set up as the owner directed the placement of most every item being mindful of the rules of feng shui and being careful not to interrupt the flow of chi. It was a big deal just to set up the ticket tables. Even an outdoor tent had to be rearranged during the event because of the shifting of the sunlight!!! It was a fun event and I met some very nice people but it was an"experience" to say the least.
Please notice that one of the pillows by the pool was not perfect (bad chi I think)...oh well...it makes me chuckle to myself. Hope you enjoy the photos!

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