Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So Glad to Be Back

Today was a big day for my niece. Recently she read about an art contest in her American Girl Magazine and was so excited to enter. She loves to draw so this was right up her alley. The art posters were supposed to illustrate, "stop the bullying." Melanie, my niece is one of the sweetest children you will ever meet so it didn't take her long to come up with an idea. Her inspiration was from spending time gardening with my dad before he died so her final work was even more special. We just found out that Melanie's poster was one of 15 in her age division that was selected as a winner! That alone is an honor but an even nicer part of the recognition is that she won an American Girl doll and a financial contribution is being given to her school. The local newspaper came out and did a story about the big event. It just made it even more exciting.

I hope you enjoy the poster and the wonderful message 10-year-old Melanie is sharing. It's good advice for all of us.

We've been having family happenings and it was all so much fun but now the house is quiet and I am going to have so much blog reading to catch up on! It is supposed to rain this weekend so I will be cozied up in my favorite chair along with my lap top so that I can catch up on what everyone else has been doing. I have missed my blog friends!!!!!

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