Sunday, March 8, 2009

Justice Ginburg

I have been traveling for work and just returned from Washington, D.C. Personally I think D.C. is the most exciting city in the United States and I get so excited when I have the opportunity to visit. Being in D.C. makes me feel as if I am living American history and this visit was no exception. I was attending a seminar and Friday evening there was an evening reception following a day of seminar programming. This particular conference is an annual institute and each year Justice Ginsburg comes to address the attendees. No one was expecting that she would be able to speak this year given that she had surgery for pancreatic cancer just one month ago. Much to our amazement she came to our reception and spoke. Justice Ginsburg is a woman whom I admire greatly as do many working in the legal field. It was no surprise that the room exploded with applause when she entered the room but when she began to speak we were all breathless.

The group she was speaking to happened to be the pro bono lawyers and staff from major corporations and law firms in the U.S. Justice Ginsburg is a strong supporter of attorneys dedicating legal pro bono work to the poor, the voiceless and disadvantaged. While she may be small in statue her words of inspiration Friday evening were monumental. We are blessed in this country to have a Supreme Court that represents the people from left to right and I was honored to be present to hear one great Justice on Friday evening.

For now posting a press photo but will add my photos from the event tomorrow.

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