Thursday, March 19, 2009

Everything's Turning Up Violets!

A couple of years ago a girlfriend introduced me to a most unusual but delightful treat - violet candies. She had a lovely tin in her purse and she politely offered me a pastille. A weird burst of floral sweet surprised my tastebuds and from that minute on I was hooked. I found a shop that carried these candies and stocked up but that store went out of business. We went to France, and again, I stocked up...but this year no trip to France is in the plans. While I could order them online there is some fun to the hunt.Over the weekend I was in a World Market store thinking I would find them there (we did find Smarties and Flakes), but sadly, no lovely tins. At the checkout I asked the cashier about the violet treats and immediately she said, "I love those!" We don't have the tins but we do have violet mints and she turned and headed to the back of the store. Sure enough there is an American company that makes violet mints! I bought all that they had and packed them in my purse (my purse smells heavenly).

Yesterday I was thinking that I should post about these most unusual mints and as I was reading some of my favorite blogs, it was such a surprise to see that Mary at Little Red House posted about violet tea. Then later I was reading Linda's post at Confessions of a Plate Addict
and she too had posted about violets. It seemed only fitting that I share my violet candy story today. If you ever encounter the candy, try them. If you love flowers, you are bound to love them!

BTW - Deb at Driven' 55 is having a blog anniversary giveaway on her blog. Simply go and leave a comment and you are entered to win!

P.S. Shawn at Country French Antiques sent this beautiful violets postcard and I just had to share.

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