Monday, March 23, 2009

A Spring Wedding

Over the weekend, the eldest son of our next door neighbors of eighteen years got married. The wedding was held at a beautiful country church in rural Georgia.

I just loved the stained glass windows.

The family gathered outside before the wedding for a few photos. The groom is a fireman and was married in his dress uniform. His dad is a newly retired police officer and the groom's brother works for the sheriff's department. Truly a family of public servants.

My good friend Judy (mother of the groom) wasn't nervous at all - NOT!

Then we saw the bride come out for photos - she was looking a bit nervous.

It was the most tender moment during the ceremony when the grandfather of the groom put his arm around his wife. So much love in this family.

The cake was covered with roses.
So where did the time go? The groom was playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles yesterday and now these kids are grown and starting lives of their own. Best wishes and congratulations.

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