Sunday, October 14, 2012

Julie Cannon, You Will Be Missed

I'm extremely saddened to learn that Julie Cannon, a wonderful Georgia author has passed away.   You may remember me posting about a writing class that I took at the Margaret Mitchell House last year.   Julie was the teacher of this very special class.   Our small group, which started with a group of twelve, dwindled to a group of six women, plus Julie.   I think each of us in the class realized that our group was special and part of the reason was because of Julie.  She encouraged each of us to write "just 100 words a day" and to build time to write into our day.   Julie celebrated being southern - 'mater sandwiches and all, and it was wonderful to listen to how she would write about all of her day-to-day southern experiences which would eventually end up, in one form or another, in one of her books. 

 Here is a link to Julie's books in case you want to enjoy some southern stories.  Julie, you will truly be missed.

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