Saturday, October 13, 2012

Edith Head, Stacy London & A Dressing Room

I am by no means a fashionista and most of my life I’ve had a terrible time dressing for special occasions and having the right thing to wear when I need it.   In trying to build a wardrobe I’ve always tried to buy classic pieces that might work well together but when the time comes to get dressed I never seem to have the vision for an outfit that works.   Some mornings even when I try to think through what to wear to work the night before somehow when I get dressed the look appears more “patchwork” than pulled together. 

Over the summer someone listed Edith Head’s book on their blog and I’m so glad they did (I can’t remember the blogger or I would write them a thank you note).  The book caught my eye because the illustrations were so cute so I bought the book and I have to say not only did I enjoy the book, I was inspired to do something with my wardrobe.

Over Labor Day weekend I felt a little like I was going off to college as I tried on outfits, sorted, threw things out and moved items from closet to closet.  In fact, my bedroom was a bit upside down but it was fun getting a fall wardrobe organized. 

Shortly after cleaning and organizing my closet I read that Stacy London was coming to town so I bought a ticket and this week I went to her lecture.  She was so inspiring.   As a woman in her mid-fifties with many working years ahead of me and a workforce that just keeps getting younger (and cuter!) Stacy’s message was great for me to hear.  The bottom line - be authentic and get comfortable with where you are and with the body shape that you have instead of beating yourself up because of what you wish you were.  While she was quite witty with her presentation her message was passionate and honest and she addressed many questions that were no laughing matter.  I really appreciated hearing about her personal struggles (weight gain, scarring and more) and why she wrote her latest book. 

There were two messages that served as my personal takeaways – “yes, and….” And this question - why is it that as women age, instead of striving for cuteness, just accept being elegant? There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who ages gracefully. Even if you don’t buy her book you might enjoy reading this NPR interview.

I’m still reading The Truth About Style  and I know that I will continue to work on my wardrobe but now I feel like I need to work on my closet and I would like a dressing room.   I hope my friend Heather doesn’t mind if I share her recent closet/dressing room renovation.   It is beautiful (and so is she)!!!  Heather knocked out a wall in her walk-in closet so that it opened up into a spare bedroom and voila!   She now has a dressing room!!!!

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